How to Choose the Right Electricity Provider for You

How to Choose the Right Electricity Provider for You



There are dozens of energy providers coming to Lubbock

There are dozens of energy providers coming to Lubbock

BKV energy’s Guide to finding the lowest electricity prices

BKV energy’s Guide to finding the lowest electricity prices

With dozens of energy companies on their way to compete in Lubbock, you can expect a wide range of prices when it comes to electricity rates. Competition will drive prices down, but some companies will still offer very high energy rates hidden behind gimmicky plans.

Here’s our guide to finding the lowest prices from the best electricity provider.

With dozens of energy companies on their way to compete in Lubbock, you can expect a wide range of prices when it comes to electricity rates. Competition will drive prices down, but some companies will still offer very high energy rates hidden behind gimmicky plans.

Here’s our guide to finding the lowest prices from the best electricity provider.

  1. Explore All of Your Options

  1. Explore All of Your Options

Where to shop for lubbock electricity plans

You can compare rates between Lubbock electricity plans in several places online.
•Individual electricity provider websites. Explore BKV Energy’s plans here.
•Affiliate and broker websites like Energy Bot, Ladybug Energy, and Vault.
•Power To Choose, the official state of Texas electricity shopping site.

  1. Compare Reviews

  1. Compare Reviews

compare ratings on power to choose and texas electricity ratings

On Texas Electricity Rates, pay attention to the negative reviews first. Those are often the most revealing of what you can expect from an energy provider.

On Power To Choose, the system is a bit different. The star ratings refer to a ratio of customer complaints compared to the total number of customers. Providers are ranked from 1-5 stars based on the number of customer complaints they have received in the last 6 months. Companies with 5 stars have the lowest complaint ratio, but not necessarily the lowest number of complaints. Click on the “History” link to view the complaints for each company. You’ll find that some companies have a 4 or 5 star rating, but they receive dozens and dozens of complaints each month.

  1. Look for Fixed-Rate Plans

  1. Look for Fixed-Rate Plans

Lock in a consistent rate for the duration of your contract

The BKV Energy team always recommends going with a fixed-rate energy plan over a variable-rate energy plan. With a fixed-rate energy plan, you can rest easy knowing that your price per kWh will not change month to month throughout your contract.

  1. Watch Out for Gimmicky Plans

  1. Watch Out for Gimmicky Plans

Always, always read your electricity facts label

Gimmicky fixed-rate plans may lead to higher than expected energy bills due to wide ranges of kWh rates at different levels of energy consumption. They can work great for some, but 80% of households are likely to save money with a regular fixed-rate plan. Learn more about how to identify gimmick plans.

  1. Check for Cancellation Fees

  1. Check for Cancellation Fees

Don't Get stuck in a contract with FIXED early termination fees

Most Texas electricity providers include contract cancellation fees in their terms, but only a few offer added benefits such as 30 day trials without fees and fees that decrease as your contract ages.

At BKV Energy, we don’t assess early termination fees within the first 30 days of your contract. After the first 30 days are over, our cancellation fee is directly related to how many months you have remaining on your contract, rather than a flat fee applied no matter what. That means the fewer months remaining, the lower your cancellation fee.

  1. Look for Renewable Energy

  1. Look for Renewable Energy

How Does the renewable energy % impact The kWh rate?

If renewable energy is important to you, check the percentage of green energy that comes with each plan. Renewable energy sources can range from 0-100%. Some companies will charge a premium for renewable energy.

  1. Beware of 3 Month Contracts

  1. Beware of 3 Month Contracts

Don't get drawn in by suspiciously low prices

Avoid 3 month plans with super low prices. You can see that many of the plans listed on Power To Choose are only available to “New Customers,” that means you can get stuck with a much higher price per kWh after 3 months.

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